Don't worry that children never listen to you; worry that they are always watcing you. --Robert Fulghum
A person's a person, no matter how small. --Dr. Seuss

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Give Thanks

I have so many things to be thankful for - this list could be really long but this is my quick hit list of Thanksgiving.

Lord Jesus Christ the only Son of God, coffee, water, red wine, warm baths, my health, my children, my husband, my family, my good friends, highlights, Retin-a, Siri, my iPhone, the sun, dance music, soft white sheets, modern design, Lululemon, yoga, Conservative Republicans, the Catholic Church, revlon colorstay lipstick, fragrant candles, sparkly eye shadow, our house, rain, flip flops, pedicures, blogs, Fox News, SNL, football, good writers, oklahoma university, good priests, good policemen and good politicians, dr. sears and attachment parenting, the color yellow, people who are funny, people who are not cynical and jaded, deep belly laughs, little babies, gummy smiles, innocent children, label makers and starbucks.

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