We have had a wonderful June. It's been busy, which is usually against my summer rules/goals... But we are thankful for the many blessings that come our way and try to embrace it.
For a start, my sweet husband (and kiddos) gave me a Wii for Mothers Day! Has someone told you, "YOU HAVE TO GET ONE?" If not, please, let me be the first. Let me also add, do yourself a favor and buy Guitar Hero. Do it. Trust me.
Here is Lexi with our new favorite past time. I know, video games can be a baaaad habit.... Does anyone mention how FUN they are???

Of course, now she thinks Tennis is easy. She is in a free Tennis Clinic at the Recreation Center. Before her lesson she said, "Mom, Tennis is easy, haven't you seen me play it on the Wii???" After one tennis lesson, she is understanding the difference...
The girls had a ball at Vacation Bible School again this year. The theme was Power Lab and they taught the girls about God's Powers. It was a ball... I was the "Snack Lady" again, this year. It is the funnest week... They love it and we listen to the songs all year long.

The girls got to go see Kit Kittridge: An American Girl. The movie was wonderful. The girls watched it with their American Girl's sitting next to them. It was a cute sight. The movie is an entertaining G. There are not enough of them....
Here they are standing next to their "tiles" at Nordstrom on our way to the movie. They got to paint the tiles when they were 1 & 3 - neither of them remember doing it... But, they love to go see them every time we stop in...
Currently, Anderson is obsessed with the camera. He has learned from the girls... "Maam! Peeeas. Peas, cheese. I want cheese (the camera)!" He can push the button and everything. 
Happy Summer!