We had a nice family weekend get away this summer. The kids had a total ball hiking with Daddy and intertubing on the boat. But, of course, their all time favorite part of the trip was the cabin. You'd think we had stayed in a palace with the way they were acting!! This place was pretty rustic - perfect for a weekend at the lake. It had my only requirements (bathroom and a very good air conditioner). The kids looooved the cabin and being away. Kept repeating for a good two hours after we arrived, "This place is so great! I love it here! I don't ever want to go home. I wish we could live here. This is amazing!" Think our kids were starved for a vacation??
Here is Ainsley hugging the wall.

Here is the picture Daddy took and pondered,
"Friday the 13th...... Cabin in the Woods.... I forget what happens next."
We decided he should go take a shower.
Alexandra caught a fish!
Here are the kids on a hike with Daddy on a really cool hiking trail.

A bunch of friends came out with their children and joined us - the kids had a great time together!
Good-bye Summer, we will miss you!