Ainsley Grace got to bring home a little bear named Corduroy from school. Each child in her class has had a turn and they take the bear with them during their daily adventures/activities. This bear has done a lot of different things as saw as we read through the book. Ainsley Grace wrote about her time with Corduroy and she glued in these pictures. Here is what she wrote: Corduroy helped me do my homework. He helped me get ready for Little Flowers. He helped me get ready for our Texas Round-up. I love Corduroy so much. I love love love you Corduroy. We also had a sleepover!
Don't worry that children never listen to you; worry that they are always watcing you. --Robert Fulghum
A person's a person, no matter how small. --Dr. Seuss
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Baby Wanted
The stork arrived March 16, 2011 at 4:53 pm. Aaron Whitaker Lewis "Whit" weighed 7.11 and was 21 1/2 inches LONG. He is the most beautiful precious little gift from God in the world. We are all soo in love and so happy to have him here.
Right after he was born...

Getting ready for his first car ride. Here are the kids - they were so ready to have Mommy and Whitaker home.

Here is a gift from my dear friend that I have decided not to open because the wrapping is waaay too cute! ;) I have to shout out love to all my friends who are bringing us food and sending so many well wishes and trinkets for our little boy. Thanks for making this time so special for us!!

The Leprechauns came while I was at the hospital - they made a mess of Anderson's room and left all kinds of trinkets. One item was green hair for buddy. ;)
Right after he was born...
Getting ready for his first car ride. Here are the kids - they were so ready to have Mommy and Whitaker home.
Gma and Gdad were so wonderful to take care of the kids while we were at the hospital! Here is Gdad remembering when his boys fit in his hand.
Mumsie and Granddaddy came in town and got busy right away loving on the baby and playing with the kids. Mumsie and the kids made Whit a Birthday Cake!

Here is a gift from my dear friend that I have decided not to open because the wrapping is waaay too cute! ;) I have to shout out love to all my friends who are bringing us food and sending so many well wishes and trinkets for our little boy. Thanks for making this time so special for us!!
Here are Whit's siblings who love him soooo much. They are soo good with him and to say they are helpful does not quite describe how wonderful it is to have older kids and a little baby. So much fun for all of us.
The Leprechauns came while I was at the hospital - they made a mess of Anderson's room and left all kinds of trinkets. One item was green hair for buddy. ;)
After we came home and started to settle in, we got the report that Mr. Whit's Jaundice level was dangerously high. Our doctor recommended we go to Children's Hospital. It was very scary, we had to stay overnight. He got poked and prodded way more than I was comfortable with. But, the treatment worked and his levels dropped. I think I took 18 million pictures of him while we were there.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Having fun while waiting....
While we are anxiously awaiting the arrival of little brother, we are busy with school and fun activities. Here is Bud at the mall having fun. It seems strange that Northpark does not have a play area, but the kids seem to have more fun looking at the turtles and ducks, climbing up the big planters and walking around the water fall. I have adult friends who remember doing this very thing when they were little... It's cute.

Here is little man doing some school work. Getting those ABC's in the correct order is not as easy as you think!!

Here is Lulu getting ready for a big day with a big Basketball Tourney and a super cold Soccer Game. She is a fast runner and getting more confidence with all the skill building. It's so fun to watch the kids play their sports!

Here is Lexi's Bow Hold. Looks beautiful! It has taken her years for her to perfect this....

Here is sweet Ainsley Grace carrying the gifts down at Chapel at the lower school. She was soo excited for her part. Everyday she can't wait to read to me the new book she brings home. She is doing soooo well! Mommy and Daddy are soo proud of her. She is proud of herself. She told me the other day, "Mommy, I didn't know I was smart!" Ugh, while it makes me sad that she did NOT know this, it makes me happy that she is finally realizing it on her own.

Here is Miss AG at Basketball. She got 2 baskets and 5 rebounds. Woo, hoo!

The girls are having a good time with all their new extracurricular activities. The 3rd Grade Brownies hosted a "lock-in" for the 1st Grade Daisies. So, the girls got to go together and they came home so happy telling me about all that they got to do. Sweet Sisters.

We went to a Mardi Gras Parade this weekend - it was super fun.

And here are the goofballs trying to be cool/mean or SOMETHING?!? I never really understood why the 3 of them were acting like rappers - it naturally came out in them... Scary yet pretty impressive as well. ;)

We are on the countdown for the next little dude, having a great time while we are waiting...
Here is little man doing some school work. Getting those ABC's in the correct order is not as easy as you think!!
Here is Lulu getting ready for a big day with a big Basketball Tourney and a super cold Soccer Game. She is a fast runner and getting more confidence with all the skill building. It's so fun to watch the kids play their sports!
Here is Lexi's Bow Hold. Looks beautiful! It has taken her years for her to perfect this....
Here is sweet Ainsley Grace carrying the gifts down at Chapel at the lower school. She was soo excited for her part. Everyday she can't wait to read to me the new book she brings home. She is doing soooo well! Mommy and Daddy are soo proud of her. She is proud of herself. She told me the other day, "Mommy, I didn't know I was smart!" Ugh, while it makes me sad that she did NOT know this, it makes me happy that she is finally realizing it on her own.
Here is Miss AG at Basketball. She got 2 baskets and 5 rebounds. Woo, hoo!
The girls are having a good time with all their new extracurricular activities. The 3rd Grade Brownies hosted a "lock-in" for the 1st Grade Daisies. So, the girls got to go together and they came home so happy telling me about all that they got to do. Sweet Sisters.
We went to a Mardi Gras Parade this weekend - it was super fun.
And here are the goofballs trying to be cool/mean or SOMETHING?!? I never really understood why the 3 of them were acting like rappers - it naturally came out in them... Scary yet pretty impressive as well. ;)
We are on the countdown for the next little dude, having a great time while we are waiting...
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