Everyone had a great time at Gma and Gdad's. We went on a Boat Ride, Nature Walk, Aquarium Visit and more...
Here is Alexandra. She played in the water 90% of the time so I didn't get many sand pictures of her. The first one here she was mad, waiting for daddy to get out of the water to come and get her so she could go back into the water. :) She also got to feed some seagulls a dead fish. Her face says a thousand words.... :)
Here is sweet Gracie, we wrapped her cast in a plastic bag and taped it a couple of times. It worked out great and she played and played. Here is her sand heart and sand castle.

Buddy. All I got for him is F-U-N-N-Y. He played and and played and fell asleep at every outing b/c he was sooo tired from playing.
Aunt Kelly came and constantly played with the kids. Dominos, tag, whatever was requested. She was so much fun, it was great having her around! The kids *love* her!

We went to the boardwalk and rode rides. Lexiloo and I rode the ferris wheel. Her first time on such an apparatus. She thought she'd try this little one first before the Texas State Fair one. First go around she wanted DOWN! I made her circle 3 more times til she said, STOP THIS THING! Here was the view from the top....
Here is buddy waiting to ride another ride. Gma and Gdad on the ferris wheel having fun!

Happy Summer!