While I looove my new iPad, I hate that I can't do blogs from it. I have tried every which way, the last 2 blogs were done from the iPad and the pictures were difficult to use and the whole process is just a big pain. It's my only complaint because the iPad rox. Anyway, that's why I have been slow to update things. PLUS, I accidentally deleted a January blog ( I can't remember what it was about..???).... The software to do the blogs are just no bueno.
On to the team, besides a whole lot of basketball, the girls got to sell
their girl scout cookies. We are waiting for their arrival... They were cute and shy. I'm looking forward to the new flavor Savannah Smiles!
Here is Lulubee on her stilts wearing my yoga pants... We need to make her some stripped clown pants asap.
Downloaded this from pinterest. We can't stop laughing at it.....
I FINALLY got our picture wall updated! It only took 9 months of procrastination and 1 hour of work.
So, I don't know what you are supposed to look like or HOW you are supposed to act if you have a Double Ear Infection, RSV and Broncialitis. But, I *know* it should NOT look like THIS!
He had heavy heavy drainage and cough... But clear as glass and no fever AND he kept smiling, laughing and playing! But, I reluctantly took him in thinking better be safe than sorry. Ugh, poor baby!!! :-(
I even sent this picture below to Stan from the doctors office telling him, "why am I here?!"
Incidentally, if you noticed the LARGE bruise and bump on his forehead, that's from him voluntarily smashing his head into the chair as he was sitting at my feet. Whit's sense of caution is very under developed... very. Here he is in the bathtub. So much for the safety pillow... He wants to play!

Our sweet pooky bear is sleeping hard today... I hope healing.