Soooo, I always wondered if this would happen...
Stan walks into the girls room and Ainsley said smiling, "Daddy, do you like my hair?" Daddy said, yes. She asked, "does it look shorter?" Daddy said, maybe. Ainsley said, come look, I'm saving my hair in my boot." They proceeded to the closet to find the boot, put away in it's proper place. There was a little trail of hair snips from our bedroom down the hall to the girls room.
My surprise reaction made her cry and then I felt bad. I told her it was no big deal, I know she was just experimenting, "it cuts really easy, doesn't it?" She nodded... I said, "maybe you can cut hair when you grow up." Then she smiled and said, "I want to be a Princess Hair Cutter!" At that, she promised to get my help cutting until she is "grown up."
Btw, it looks like a long layer in the front. At least it's not the super short, sticking straight up into the air, kid cut... this time...
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