Don't worry that children never listen to you; worry that they are always watcing you. --Robert Fulghum
A person's a person, no matter how small. --Dr. Seuss

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Hallows’ Eve and All Hallows

Mumsie and Grandaddy arrived on a Friday to prepare for Halloween on a Monday.  3 days to unpack the trailer of spookiness and pack it back up.   It was worth all their hard work, it was very scary and very fun for all the trick or treaters...  The photos don't quite capture all the little things they added, the Ghost flying back and forth on one side of the yard.  The witch on the other side riding her broom back and forth.  They hung black curtains on the front porch and blocked the front door.   Smoke machine...The sound system and light show that singled out our house to sound like an evil scary storm. Everyone was blown away with all they put together.  Super uber FUN.

Here is Monster Doll "Frankie Stein."

 Meet Monster Doll "Draculaura."

Don't worry, Captain America is here to save the day!

Here is the sweetest little Pumpkin that ever was.  He was so super cute.  Here was George in his Witch costume.  It lasted about 20 seconds.

Even evil witches need some brew to keep spooking people.  The grim reaper sat there quietly - then proceed to scare the crap out of almost every person that came through.  He would sit motionless, "Baaaaa, hahahahaha!!!"  Hilarious.  Seriously hilarious.

 Here are some cute trick or treaters!

The next morning, we got up bright and early to get Ainsley Grace ready for All Saints Mass.  The 2nd graders/first communicates all picked a saint to research and dress up as.  It was so precious.  Ainsley Grace chose Saint Thérèse of Lisieux also known as Little Flower of Jesus.  She made one beautiful saint.

All Saints Day (All Hallows) reminds us of all those holy men and women whom God, in His infinite mercy, sends us as torches to light our path in a dark world.  Filled with God’s love and grace, they make golden the pages of our histories with their lives and witness.  Feeling the lure of sin just as much as any of us, they turned to God and reflected His love to us.  They come in all sorts of humanity:  men and women, all nationalities, wise, simple, warriors, pacifists, miracle workers, saints whose only miracle was their life, humorous, humorless, clergy, laity, old, young, united only in their Faith and their love for the Highest Love.

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